Go to Login
Create User
Please follow these instructions while creating the User ID and Password.
Step 1 :
1. Schools should login only through the school user.
2. Enter a valid UDISE Code (Ex: For School user eleven digit UDISE code).
3. Enter all mandatory fields.
4. To generate a Unique PIN (OTP), enter either Mobile No. /Email Id or Both.
5. After the successful PIN (OTP) generation, enter the valid PIN (OTP) that is received on your Mobile No. /Email Id to proceed further.
If you don't receive PIN(OTP) within 120 seconds, click on Regenerate PIN(OTP) button.
6. Click on Submit.
a) If you have entered valid PIN(OTP), you will be redirected to Step 2.
b) If the entered PIN(OTP) is invalid, you will be shown a message saying
'Invalid PIN(OTP)'
Step 2 :
7. Enter new password and confirm password.
Password length should be between 8 to 10 characters, must contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit and one special character.Allowed special chars are !@#$%^&*()+=.)(Ex: Nav@2012)
8. Click on Create User.
a)On successfull creation of password, you will be redirected to home page.
b)If the password entered does not confine to the Rule(Refer Point 7), a validation message will be shown.
Kindly fill up the information regarding Students and Teachers for the previous year and for information regarding seven key domains provide the current year information.
Dear all,
Site will be down for two days 04.03.2023(Sat) to 05.03.2023(Sun) due to server maintenance.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Shaalasiddhi Team.
Step 1 - New User Details
Step 2 - Create Password
New User Details
* Indicates Mandatory Fields
Select Level
State Level
District Level
Block Level
Cluster Level
School Level
First Name
Last Name
Mobile No.
Email Id
Note: In case you have trouble in creating user or needs any technical assistance, please contact
Mr. Deepak on Whatsapp: +91-8743861642
Enter PIN(OTP)
Please wait for 120 seconds. If you have not received the PIN(OTP), click on
Create New Password
* Indicates Mandatory Fields
New Password
(Ex: Nav@2012)
Confirm Password
Note: In case you have trouble in creating password or needs any technical assistance, please contact
Mr. Deepak on Whatsapp: +91-8743861642