Enabling Resource of School

Teaching-learning & Assessment

Learners' Progess Attainment

Managing Teacher Performance

School Leadership & Management

Inclusion, Health and Safety

Productive Community Participation


Productive Community Participation

The term ‘community’ refers to members of the school management committee, teachers, learners, parents/ guardians, local residents, associated cultural organizations and NGOs. Working together with community members is critical to school development. The school needs the support of the community for achieving its objectives and providing quality education to its learners. The active engagement of the school with the community ensures optimal utilization of the school resources, holistic development of learners and better management of the school. The school, therefore, needs to establish a meaningful relationship with the community which could benefit both the school and the community. The SMC/ SDMC have been constituted in every school to participate in school management in the areas of planning, implementation, resource mobilization and monitoring. It also plays a major role in improving enrolment, retention, teaching-learning and learning outcomes.

Inclusion, Health and Safety

The idea that ‘all children can learn’ forms the underlying basis for ‘universalization’ of education. The RTE Act further lends credibility to this notion that all children can learn irrespective of their gender, caste, socioeconomic background, etc. This necessitates inclusion of children with diverse backgrounds into the ambit of schooling. Inclusion not only means ‘including all’, but also providing equal opportunity to every child, thereby following the principles of equity. Furthermore, including all children in equitable ways demands the creation of a safe and healthy environment that ensures the physical and emotional well-being of all learners. This domain therefore highlights the Core Standards related to health, hygiene, physical and psychological safety in the school. It also looks at an all pervading inclusive environment for each stakeholder- teacher, parent and the larger community.

School Leadership and Management

Effective school leadership and management play a significant role in providing quality education. School leadership goes beyond administrative and managerial responsibilities to include proactive practices for school transformation. It includes developing a vision for a school and aligning all planning to it so as to improve the performance of the learners. It also involves maintaining a harmonious relationship with all stakeholders and including them in planning, decision making and general administration. School leadership aims at increased participation/ ownership in/ of school activities by the community. It strives at continuous improvement in the area of teaching and learning through continuous pedagogical innovation. A school needs a strong and focused leader who is committed to channelizing teachers, learners, community members and resources for achieving quality in all spheres.

Managing Teacher Performance and Professional Development

Teacher performance management is the mainstay of quality education. It is a continuous process of identifying teacher potential, and developing their skills, through a systematic approach to performance review and capacity building programmes. It necessitates appropriate induction of newly recruited teachers, orienting them to the school, as well as the learners’ profile and context. This enables teachers to understand curricular expectations and adapt their teaching-learning practice to meet the learning needs of their students. Continuous monitoring of teacher performance is essential to raise their professional standards, foster team spirit in them and facilitate the overall development of the school.

Learners' Progess Attainment and Development

Holistic development of the learner is the primary objective of good schooling. This encompasses development of learners in the cognitive, affective as well as psychomotor domains. The school aims to achieve this by encouraging learners to participate in all curricular areas, continuously monitoring their progress over a period of time. Apart from scholastic progress, it also promotes their personal and social well-being. This involves providing a variety of opportunities in cholecystitis areas to develop student talent, inter-personal and social skills. The scope of this domain thus encompasses all aspects of desirable learning outcomes.

Teaching-learning and Assessment

Teaching-learning is a key performance domain and the most important determinant of learner attainment. Effective teaching-learning results from strategic planning and the creation of an optimal learning environment. This entails designing suitable learning experiences and using a variety of teaching-learning strategies that would enhance learning. The teacher’s understanding of the specific context of the learners and their learning needs is vital to the success of this process. Assessment is an integral aspect of teaching-learning and is thereby a valuable indicator of learners’ attainment. It also provides a sound basis for teachers to reflect on the efficacy of their classroom practice. The teacher’s content knowledge and pedagogical skills ultimately determine the efficacy of the teacher’s approach to teaching- learning and assessment.

Enabling Resources of School: Availability, Adequacy and Usability

The enabling resources are critical to the effective functioning of the school. Every school requires a variety of resources for its operations– infrastructure, human resources, financial, material, etc. In a school, enabling resources are those resources which facilitate learning in comfortable, safe and stress- free surroundings. The main characteristics of school resources are accessibility and efficiency. Accessibility refers to the availability of safe and vital facilities to all users. Efficiency refers to the optimum utilization of resources. Therefore, it is significant for a school to optimally use available resources for learning to happen in a conducive environment while maintaining high standards of safety, health and hygiene.